NYC 2015 Week 4

I’ve been traveling and in and out of town and that has made it hard to keep track of everything, except for my mileage, which has started to be the most riveting thing in my world. Turns out the intermediate plan is mostly about getting used to running five days a week in the beginning–mileage isn’t out of the ordinary yet, but I did turn in 29 miles this week and will do 30 next week, I think I only hit 30 weekly miles twice near the very end of the plan I used last year. More mileage makes me feel more confident, though my lack of speed work puts me at odds with nearly everyone else I talk to about marathon training. Except my dad. So, he’s in my higher-mileage corner. So far my body is holding up well. I have some upper back/shoulder pain attributable to sitting at my computer and a weak core, I guess, and my right big toe continues to be an issue. Lots of pain, so I think I’ll go see a podiatrist about it, just to be sure it isn’t anything more than what I think it is. So here was my week, modified to enable me to go to Philadelphia with my sweetheart for the weekend without spending half of the trip out for a run: 3-6-6-11-3.

1 thought on “NYC 2015 Week 4

  1. rudy

    Perfect! You really “get” training, and you are, thus, very easy to train once you have confidence in (Hal Higdon, in this case) the trainer. I am impressed by how well you stay in touch with your body, and the obligations from the rest of your life. Take care of that toe, and thanks for the shout-outs.


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